This annual report follows our achievements in creating an amazing ASV experience for all who visit and use our facility, creating the best place to work for Team ASV, how we have promoted growth and innovation within the organisation, our triumphs with playing our part to save the planet and of course showcasing how we prove our accountability in everything we do.
We are very proud of our achievements with our team, members, visitors and delivering community projects during a challenging time when the rise in energy prices caused huge concern and worry - however we are delighted to share our highlights and accomplishments delivered and achieved together as one team.

ASV's Annual Report 2023- 2034

View our Annual Report summary and see the impact of ASV on our community.
Our mission, put simply...
To encourage as many people as possible, regardless of age or ability to use our exceptional facilities by promoting the message that belonging to a sporting club or group, or exercising regularly in whatever way you choose, will always leave you feeling better.