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This holiday season, let's come together to make a difference in our community. Many families are facing financial hardship, making it difficult to provide sporting opportiunities for the whole family, and at times a hot meal.

That's why we've created the Giving Tree to support ASV Community Projects which provide a whole range of activities from swimming lessons to football, athletics and so much more.

Giving Tree website

The Impact of your donation

From the 2023 Giving tree we were able to provide the following support to chioldren and families which was just amazing.

Your donations this year will continue to support community programmes, sports and meals for children.

  • 45 free sporting sessions for children
  • 23 meals for local children
  • 5 families received a free ASV Matchday experience
  • 12 nursery children received one free 5 week block of swimming lessons
  • 16 children received one free 8 week block of coaching
  • 6 children received one free 6 week block of swimming lessons
  • 480 pieces of fruit

How it works

Choose a Label:

Our Giving Trees are decorated with labels that represent specific donations or items. Each label indicates the amount needed to support a particular project.

To Donate:

  • Choose a label with a donation link or QR code. Follow the link to the ASV's charity web-page and make your donation.
If you have any questions about our Giving Tree, please do speak with our customer service team at our aquatics or sports centre reception.

Donation pricing:

£4.50 ASV energisers - Will provide one meal for three children who attend the ASV Energiser programme

£5.00 ASV energisers - Will provide 2 children with a piece of fruit for 8 weeks when they attend the ASV Energiser Programme

£5.50 ASV energisers - Will provide one child with one free sports session with one free meal

£6.00 ASV Matchday - Will support the delivery of the ASV Matchday Experience, providing families and groups with free access to sport and an Aberdeen FC home match

£6.50 Home of Community Sport Swimming Lessons - Will provide one free swimming lesson to one child

£12.00 Nursery Swimming Lessons - Will provide one nursery aged child with one block of 5 swimming lessons

£12.50 Home of Community Sport coaching sessions - Will support the delivery of free school sport for one child, for an 8 week period

Let's Make a Difference Together

By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Giv­ing Tree, you’re not only help­ing fam­i­lies in need but also fos­ter­ing a sense of com­mu­ni­ty and com­pas­sion. Every dona­tion, no mat­ter how small, can make a sig­nif­i­cant impact.

Thank you for your generosity!

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