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Coronavirus Update - ARCHIVE (11 Mar 2020)

Our top priority at Aberdeen Sports Village is the health and safety of our members, visitors and staff. Here is an update on what actions we are taking in response to Coronavirus.

We are carefully monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the information provided by Health Protection Scotland, the Scottish and UK Government, as well as industry governing bodies including UKActive. As part of our action plan we have stepped up the frequency and level of cleaning and hygiene throughout the facility. This means;

  • Increased cleaning to sanitise all equipment, especially in high use areas.
  • Making sure that soap dispensers remain filled in our changing rooms and toilets.
  • We have also added extra hand sanitiser dispensers around the building and we encourage you to use them - particularly in busy areas such as the gym and pools.

We have also briefed all ASV staff (including Personal Trainers and Coaches) on what to do when returning from foreign travel, in line with the Government’s latest advice.

You can help

Washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow, or a tissue, when you cough or sneeze will help to prevent the spread of illness. Wiping down mats, weights, and machines with a disinfectant wipe both before and after using them will also help. However if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 and are advised to self-isolate, we would ask that you do not visit ASV.

We will continue to monitor the situation carefully, keep you informed and notify you of any changes directly, and via our website and social media. You can also find the latest Health Protection Scotland information at

Thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to continuing to welcome you to Aberdeen Sports Village.

Find all your COVID-19 related updates here:

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