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Registration is open

Our Junior Learn to Swim reg­is­tra­tion is open for intake in August, please click on the link below to reg­is­ter your interest.

Register for wee swimmers

Wee Swimmers (Nursery) Lessons

Our Wee Swimmers (nursery) programme is specially designed to introduce children from 3 years of age to the water in a fun, safe and effective way.

Operating within small groups, the Wee Swimmers programme at ASV allows our instructors to work effectively with the group without the parent/guardian being present in the water.

These classes develop and progress water confidence, establish an understanding of core aquatic skills and encourage independent movement and skills through self-discovery, songs and use of equipment. Levels are also designed to allow swimmers when they reach school age to move into the Junior Learn to Swim pathway.

Where and When

Wee Swimmers lessons are held in our 25m pool and currently run:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings
  • Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday afternoons

Wee Swimmers lessons cost £26.90 per month, payable via direct debit.


Registrations is open. Click on the link above to register your interest. You can also email with any questions.

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Guided tours are now available to book through the link below, come and see what we have to offer.

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